Monday 24 August 2009

RSS feeds and Podcasts

Ah, most interesting morning learning abt RSS feeds.
It seems to be easy enough to subscribe to an RSS feed and podcast.
I guess they are useful if you want to subscribe anything and everything from a certain source.
For example i am interested in ABC/rn programs :Life Matters" and " the National Interest' but by subscribing/ adding an RSS feed I will be notified of all programs, whereas I may really only be interested in certain issues , say aged care, local government or a limited range of topics.
So, for me the value of a feed would be for the software & providers source to enable me to tag/limit the feed only to the topics I am interested in.
If I really want to know anything and everything I can go to the web site.
Of course this means spending endless hours whipping around in cyberspace to find those web sites then adding RSS feeds to my a/c. If only one has all that time to spare...

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