Monday, 24 August 2009

RSS feeds and Podcasts

Ah, most interesting morning learning abt RSS feeds.
It seems to be easy enough to subscribe to an RSS feed and podcast.
I guess they are useful if you want to subscribe anything and everything from a certain source.
For example i am interested in ABC/rn programs :Life Matters" and " the National Interest' but by subscribing/ adding an RSS feed I will be notified of all programs, whereas I may really only be interested in certain issues , say aged care, local government or a limited range of topics.
So, for me the value of a feed would be for the software & providers source to enable me to tag/limit the feed only to the topics I am interested in.
If I really want to know anything and everything I can go to the web site.
Of course this means spending endless hours whipping around in cyberspace to find those web sites then adding RSS feeds to my a/c. If only one has all that time to spare...

Monday, 3 August 2009

My wiki-d wiki-d ways

Oh to feel the energy of wanting to start a wiki --- don't read too closely between the lines. Is it that all these bloggers actually have something to say, are they really genuine authors or auteurs manques who will only see themselves in print is through the web?
Who is to say...perhaps one needs the spare time to just whip around in cyberspace and perhaps something will grow out of it..
Words used to explain things are all well & good but one can become lost in the many words used to explain something and lose sight of the object . One must have a need for a tool in order to want to learn how to use it ; but just to learn the use of the tool is difficult without a purpose. ohhhhhh I just feel like fred bassett.