Thursday, 4 October 2007

Patience , patience

I have no idea if this is going to work or not. I am very apprehensive about styles of teaching which direct one to do x/y/z in a sequence without explaining the big picture . In these cases, one is inclined to just fill a blank here, click a link there and do this without understanding and /or retaining the steps without any comprehension of why the steps have to be followed in the given sequence. There are different learning styles, I hope that I can adapt my style to this preset style because it would appear that it cannot exhibit flexibility.... aaah for the human touch!!


elmo said...

The prescribed steps should be viewed as only a set of guidelines - engage with them as much or as little as you like.

Try this: instead of following the instructions re wikis, why don't you just use your own devices to see what you can find out about them...

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

You may care to comment on the online learning process, particularly with this program. The steps do not encompass much sequential learning, which can be disconcerting. Feel free to speak your mind!
elephants parading